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April 25th, 2008Pictures released by US government show a Syrian nuclear reactor that was struck by Israel on 6th September 2007. Last picture shows reactor after the strike Soldiers of D company 2 Para on their first operational patrol since deploying to Afghanistan (Richard Pohle/The Times) Memorial left behind by Royal Marines to the memory of Lt John Thornton and Marine Dave Marsh killed by an IED (Richard Pohle/The Times) Mortar platoon of D company 2 Para based at the forward operating base in the district of Kajaki fire illumination rounds over Taliban positions during a night action (Richard Pohle/The Times)A Norwegian F-16 fighter plane is seen above two Russian planes outside the Norwegian coast, April 23, 2008. Two Norwegian Air Force F-16 fighter planes from Bodoe in northern Norway photographed two TU-95 Bear strategic bombers, two Il-78 tanker planes and four Russian fighter planes in international air space. Russia has increased its military flights near U.S. and NATO territory in the past year, reviving the long-haul missions common during the Cold War and demonstrating a long-range strike capability. Picture taken April 23, 2008Indonesia's special force 'Kopassus' perform their skill during a visit of The UK's Chief of Defence Staff Air Chief Marshall Sir Jock Stirrup at a Military base in Jakarta on 25 April 2008. Sir Jock visits Indonesia for several days to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries Indonesian counter terrorist force Gultor soldiers "storm" a building during drill to show their skill to visiting British Chief of Defence Staff Jock Stirrup at the army special forces headquarters in Jakarta on April 25, 2008. Stirrup is in Indonesia on a four-day-official visit aimed at tightening military ties between the two countries. Israeli soldiers detain two Palestinians near the scene where two Israeli security guards were killed at Nitzanei Shalom industrial zone, near the West Bank town of Tulkarm April 25, 2008. A gunman killed two Israeli security guards at an industrial zone on the West Bank boundary on Friday, close to Palestinian-ruled territory, military officials said. An Israeli soldier looks at the body of an Israeli security guard at Nitzanei Oz industrial zone, near the West Bank town of Tulkarm, April 25, 2008. A gunman killed two Israeli security guards at the industrial zone on the West Bank boundary on Friday, close to Palestinian-ruled territory, military officials said.
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Jan. 19th & 20th, 2008United Nations naval units from France and Italy carry out an exercise off the coast of southern Naqoura, Lebanon Saturday, Jan. 19, 2008. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) conducted a maritime exercise in cooperation with the Lebanese Navy. The three-day operation involves amphibious landing of military personnel and equipment by the sea route. CORONADO, Calif. (Jan 16, 2008) Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL students bring their boat out from the water after a surf passage exercise. These students are just starting the yearlong process to become Navy SEALs. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Matthew Syberg (Released)
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資訊新聞店面翻修 星座大元關鍵字排名 SONY降價台北有線電視 南投活動佈置 桃園skypro
陳懷生烈士... 陳懷生烈士忠骸... 上海偵照遇劫歸來(圖中被舉起者) 第一批赴美受訓的U-2飛行員,圖右一為陳懷生烈士田建南(左)與陳懷生(右)合影陳懷生烈士(左)與美軍顧問(中)和盧錫良隊長(右) 昨19630909為空軍烈士陳懷生逝世一周年紀念,基督教靈糧堂特舉行追思禮拜,陳烈士在台親屬(右)起林伯玉夫人,陳熙娜,陳錦容均參加禮拜陳懷生殉職週年追思禮其姑母林伯玉夫人(左)出席 620909 追思禮拜620909 陳懷生殉職週年追思禮拜張靜愚招告其生平620909陳懷生生前讀物與日用品之一部份620629參觀人士閱讀陳懷生生前著述620629 陳懷生殉職週年紀念、遺物、遺照620629 駕U-2機飛往中國大陸執行偵察任務英勇殉職的中國空軍烈士陳懷生的遺物於六月廿九日起在台北空軍新生社展覽各界參觀620629
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股市八字算命 字典飄眉 整齊方法高雄汽車借款 星期天中翻英英翻中 行銷創業加盟
November 26th,2007An Israeli soldier stands guard as motorists drive by in Jerusalem November 25, 2007. Israeli police set up roadblocks in Jerusalem to try to avert violence after a security alert Danish RECCE units scout ahead of a convoy on it's way to rebuild a strategic important resupply bridge near FOB Keenan in "Green Zone" Helmand Province. The bridge was blown up by Taliban last week. Commandos from the 3rd Company, 1st Commando Kandak, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's elite fighting force unit, rehearse insertion during pre-mission training near the capital city of Kabul, Oct. 10. Afghan commandos conduct a cordon and search of a compound during operation Commando Fury in Tagab Valley, Nov. 13, 2007. The commandos are asigned to Afghanistan's elite fighting force unit, the 3rd Company, 1st Commando Kandak. A commando from the 3rd Company, 1st Commando Kandak, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's elite fighting force unit, fires from a rooftop position during pre-mission training near the capital city of Kabul, Oct. 10. Indonesian police officers take positions on a beach during a security drill in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 25 November 2007. The Indonesian police will deploy 5,200 officers to provide extra security for the Global Climate Change Summit on 02 December 2007 in the resort island of Bali
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板橋室內設計 斗篷帽桃園接睫毛 二手商品遊戲點數 心情創業加盟 嘉義數位監控系統
November 27th, 2007Picture taken 27 November 2007 shows a Chadian army vehicle destroyed during a battle with rebels the previous day in Abou Goulem, 90 kilometres (55 miles) east of the regional capital Abeche. Members of Geneva's Intervention Group Police arrest two persons during a police drill ahead of the Euro 2008 soccer championships, in Geneva, Switzerland, 27 November 2007. The Euro 2008 kicks off in the Swiss city of Basle on 07 June 2008 with the final at Vienna's Ernst-Happel stadium on 29 June 2008 Members of Geneva's Intervention Group Police advance towards a house during a police drill ahead of the Euro 2008 soccer championships, in Geneva, Switzerland, 27 November 2007. The Euro 2008 kicks off in the Swiss city of Basle on 07 June 2008 with the final at Vienna's Ernst-Happel stadium on 29 June 2008 ARABIAN SEA (Nov. 25, 2007) Members of the Pakistan Navy Special Service Group board a rigid hull inflatable board launched from Pakistan Navy Ship (PNS) Babur while underway in the Arabian Sea. Babur is deployed to the Central Command area of responsibility as part of Combined Task Force 150. CTF 150 is responsible for maritime security operations in the Gulf of Oman, Gulf of Aden, Red Sea, North Arabian Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Michael Zeltakalns (Released) Lt. Col. Christian Karsner, the incoming commander of 1st Battalion, 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) receives the battalion guidon from Col. Edward Reeder, commander of 7th SFG(A) during a change of command ceremony in which Lt. Col. Patrick Mahaney Jr. relinquished command at Fort Bragg, N.C., Nov. 21. Miller took command of 1st Battalion after serving as an operations officer with 7th Special Forces Group for Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force-Afghanistan. (Photo by Sgt. Keith Henning, 7th SFG(A)) Utah National Guard Soldiers and 19th Special Forces members fastrope from HH-60 Pave Hawk during a combat search and rescue integration exercise Nov. 9 over the Utah Test and Training Range.
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換了新髮型~ 哈今天................................. 去了南投! 換了一個新的髮型! 哈哈 我把頭髮減的很短! 然後~..................抓起那帥氣的髮型~ 真不像我阿! 想必明天回ㄑ 一定會嚇到很多人的 嘻嘻~ 高興唷! 還真佩服"蔓都"那個設計師! 超利害的說! 剪的很快~ 佩服! 這次阿! ㄑ那邊超多人的說! 害我等很久 嘻嘻 ~ 不過沒關係~ 那設計師 有跟我哈拉! 說了好多話! Happy! 明天又要回彰化ㄑ了! 可使這次沒有要過夜! 埃 ~ ~*呆寶貝~*我很想尼耶! 尼勒?有想我嗎? 哈哈 ㄆ一ㄚˇ先生 換了個新髮型唷! 呵呵~ 高興阿! 等等把新的髮型的照片! 弄上來部落格! 哈哈 想~*呆寶貝~* 浩呆~*仔//
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