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April 24th, 2008Aviation Warfare Systems Operator 3rd Class Deric Parsoneault jumps out of an MH-60S Knighthawk assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 21, the "Blackjacks," during search and rescue swimmer training evolutions in the Arabian Gulf. HSC-21 is deployed aboard amphibious assault ship USS Tarawa and conducting exercises in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations. Photo by Seaman David Brandenburg, Navy Visual News Service. PACIFIC OCEAN (April 22, 2008) Search and Rescue Swimmer Aviation Warfare Systems Operator 3rd Class Justin Sherman, assigned to the "Saberhawks" of Helicopter Anti-submarine Squadron Light (HSL) 47 receives a thumbs up from Aviation Warfare Systems Operator 1st Class Ken Ball as he deploys from an SH-60B Seahawk during an air power demonstration by ships and aircraft assigned to Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln Strike Group. Lincoln and Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 9 are on a scheduled seven-month deployment to the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class James R. Evans (Released) Notice the pilot at the back: While the Norwegian pilot photographs the Russian planes, the Russian pilot photographs the Norwegian planes. Foto: Luftforsvaret Several paramilitary policemen hunt down 'terrorists' on a ship as they take part in a nautical counter-terrorism drill to train for the Olympic security,near the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center where is a venue to host the Olympic regatta of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games,in coastal city Qingdao, eastern China's Shandong province 24 April 2008.China announced earlier in April it would tighten public security measures ahead of the Olympic Games in the wake of alleged terror plots and unrest in Tibet. Measures will be taken to protect oil and gas networks from sabotage, and special attention will be paid to the security of public recreational places, hotels and leased housing, according to Xinhua news agency (FILES) An undated file photograph shows Sri Lankan army troops in action against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam at the northern theatre of operations at Muhamalai 372 kms north of Colombo. Security in the capital was tightened 24 April 2008 after the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) attempted 23 April to over-run the Sri Lanka army's forward defence lines (FDLs) at Muhamalai. Troops with the assistance of the Sri Lanka Air Force retaliated and moved 500 metres ahead of their original FDLs, inflicting heavy damages to the LTTE. The army reported that 52 LTTE cadres were killed and many injured while troops suffered 32 deaths and around 74 injured. Ground troops are in the process of consolidating the newly retaken areas 24/4 13:16 Αντ?ρτε? σκ?τωσαν τουλ?χιστον 100 ?νδρε? του στρατο? στην αιματηρ?τερη μ?χη στη Σρι Λ?νκα του? τελευτα?ου? 18 μ?νε? χθε? Τετ?ρτη.24/4 13:16 Yesterday Wednesday, insurgents have killed over 100 soldiers in the bloodiest battles of the last 18 months, in Sri Lanka.



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